Wednesday 22 July 2009

Homeopathy, EEWI and Palm Tree

Last night was the EEWI's July meeting - homeopathy with my friend Tracy Karkut-Law. Mother came along and I think really enjoyed it. It was pretty well attended and as usual there were a few highlights.

A guy called Oliver King came along to talk to us about his climate change charity which I think is called Campaign Against Climate Change and the website is He seemed a little nervous and who could blame him really when faced with our group but he managed to get through it and I was rather taken to him. He seemed to like that fact that in my introduction I referred to him as an attraction...

Later in the evening one of our longstanding members was chatting to a newbie and suddenly there was a large gasp of astonishment from their corner of the room. Turns out they have been neighbours - literally next door neighbours - for years but had never actually met. One of them ended up giving the other a lift home - it is those sorts of things I love about the east end WI.

Tracy's talk was great and even though the room was stiflingly hot everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I drank way too much and ended up going to the pub with TKL and mother. I had a few sips of beer and suddenly felt extremely drunk but managed to muddle through - was very strange being in the Palm Tree on a Tuesday night with mother. Also saw a guy called Scott who I met in the PT after Sorella's concert earlier in the year - we were all very drunk but him particularly and last night he seemed to be on a date so was a little bit embarrassed and somewhat worried about seeing me and what I might say!! Ah the joys of inebriation.

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